Thinks, communicates and behaves as a cause-driven leader and role model for other staff and members when it comes to desired staff behaviors;
promotes youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility in all job-related functions.
Works with youth through individual and group guidance in a classroom based setting utilizing trauma informed care practices.
counselling services, rehabilitation, etc.
Works in tandem with others who have a direct impact on the youths life; including family, school administration, teachers, recreation agencies, employers, and health and social agencies.
Together with the Juvenile Justice Teacher and Guidance Counselor, develops program plans for participating youth to ensure they successfully complete assigned work, have resources in place to return to school, and have the opportunity to receive necessary supports during programming and upon exit.
Designs, implements, and coordinates learning opportunities to address the needs of the youth participating in Juvenile Justice programs (i.e.
anger management, substance abuse, trauma informed care, etc.) Ensures that youth understand the procedures and expectations by clearly communicating and enforcing established rules in a positive manner.
Supervises the students in their classroom and recreational activities; assist classroom teachers in their daily instruction when necessary.
Works collaboratively with all Y Community Strengthening, Child Care, and Branch programs to ensure youth and families have access to the full scope of services and supports provided by the Y.
Actively participates in all necessary meetings / trainings, association-wide events and initiatives.
Adheres to policies related to boundaries with youth, participates in required abuse risk management training, reports suspicious and inappropriate behaviors, follows mandated abuse reporting requirements, adheres to job-specific abuse risk management responsibilities.