Warehouse/Stock Associate (Part Time-11690)

Southern States Cooperative
Carrboro, NC, USA


Loads trucks and performs general labor

Operates forklift and hand-truck

Responsible for keeping warehouse neat and clean

Unloads merchandise from inbound deliveries

Checks incoming shipments, verifies with loading sheets.

Assists in taking physical inventory

Excellent customer service skills helping customers and answering their questions

Performs other duties as assigned


High School Diploma or Equivalent

Valid Driver's License - Satisfactory Driving Record

Requires physical strength and dexterity to walk, stand, bend, climb, reach, stoop, twist and lift / carry 50 pounds. Vision, hearing and speech essential.

Hand coordination to use computer. Job requires contact with hazardous materials and drive / travel and work in adverse weather conditions.

Southern States Cooperative, Inc., is an Equal Employment Opportunity / Affirmative Action Employer and does not discriminate against individuals based on their race, color, religion or belief, national or ethnic origin, sex (including pregnancy), age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, family medical history or genetic information, or any other status protected by federal, state or local laws, or regulations.

at-icon fill : #fff;border : 0 .at-icon-wrapper display : inline-block;overflow : hidden a .at-icon-wrapper cursor : pointer .

at-rounded,.at-rounded-element .at-icon-wrapper border-radius : 12% .at-circular,.at-circular-element .at-icon-wrapper border-radius : 50% .

addthis 32x32 style .at-icon width : 2pc;height : 2pc .addthis 24x24 style .at-icon width : 24px;height : 24px .addthis 20x20 style .

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at15dn display : none #at15s,#at16p,#at16p form input,#at16p label,#at16p textarea,#at share .at item font-family : arial,helvetica,tahoma,verdana,sans-serif!important;

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background-position : top left;margin : 0;overflow : hidden;cursor : pointer .addthis 16x16 style .at4-icon,.addthis default style .

at4-icon,.at4-icon,.at-16x16 width : 1pc;height : 1pc;line-height : 1pc;background-size : 1pc!important .addthis 32x32 style .

at4-icon,.at-32x32 width : 2pc;height : 2pc;line-height : 2pc;background-size : 2pc!important .addthis 24x24 style .at4-icon,.

at-24x24 width : 24px;height : 24px;line-height : 24px;background-size : 24px!important .addthis 20x20 style .at4-icon,.at-20x20 width : 20px;

height : 20px;line-height : 20px;background-size : 20px!important .at4-icon.circular,.circular .at4-icon,.circular.aticon border-radius : 50% .

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  • overflow : visible;white-space : nowrap;background-size : 1pc;width : 1pc;height : 1pc;background-position : top left;display : inline-block;

line-height : 1pc .addthis vertical style .at4-icon,.at4-follow-container .at4-icon margin-right : 5px html>

body #at15s width : 250px!important #at15s.atm background : none!important;padding : 0!important;width : 10pc!important #at15s inner background : #fff;

border : 1px solid #fff;margin : 0 #at15s head position : relative;background : #f2f2f2;padding : 4px;cursor : default;border-bottom : 1px solid #e5e5e5 .

  • at15s head success background : #cafd99!important;border-bottom : 1px solid #a9d582!important .at15s head success a,.at15s head success span color : #000!important;
  • text-decoration : none #at15s brand,#at15sptx,#at16 brand position : absolute #at15s brand top : 4px;right : 4px .at15s brandx right : 20px!important a#at15sptx top : 4px;
  • right : 4px;text-decoration : none;color : #4c4c4c;font-weight : 700 #at15sptx : hover text-decoration : underline #at16 brand top : 5px;
  • right : 30px;cursor : default #at hover padding : 4px #at hover .at item,#at share .at item background : #fff!important;float : left!important;

color : #4c4c4c!important #at share .at item .at-icon-wrapper margin-right : 5px #at hover .at bold font-weight : 700;color : #000!important #at hover .

at item width : 7pc!important;padding : 2px 3px!important;margin : 1px;text-decoration : none!important #at hover .at item.

athov,#at hover .at item : focus,#at hover .at item : hover margin : 0!important #at hover .at item.athov,#at hover .at item : focus,#at hover .

at item : hover,#at share .at item.athov,#at share .at item : hover background : #f2f2f2!important;border : 1px solid #e5e5e5;

color : #000!important;text-decoration : none .ipad #at hover .at item : focus background : #fff!important;border : 1px solid #fff .

at15t display : block!important;height : 1pc!important;line-height : 1pc!important;padding-left : 20px!important;background-position : 0 0;

text-align : left .addthis button,.at15t cursor : pointer .addthis toolbox a.at300b,.addthis toolbox a.at300m width : auto .

addthis toolbox a margin-bottom : 5px;line-height : initial .addthis toolbox.addthis vertical style width : 200px .addthis button facebook like .

fb iframe widget line-height : 100% .addthis button facebook like iframe.fb iframe widget lift max-width : none .addthis toolbox a.

addthis button counter,.addthis toolbox a.addthis button facebook like,.addthis toolbox a.addthis button facebook send,.addthis toolbox a.

addthis button facebook share,.addthis toolbox a.addthis button foursquare,.addthis toolbox a.addthis button linkedin counter,.

addthis toolbox a.addthis button pinterest pinit,.addthis toolbox a.addthis button tweet display : inline-block .addthis toolbox span.

addthis follow label display : none .addthis toolbox.addthis vertical style span.addthis follow label display : block;white-space : nowrap .

addthis toolbox.addthis vertical style a display : block .addthis toolbox.addthis vertical style.addthis 32x32 style a line-height : 2pc;

height : 2pc .addthis toolbox.addthis vertical style .at300bs margin-right : 4px;float : left .addthis toolbox.addthis 20x20 style span line-height : 20px .

addthis toolbox.addthis 32x32 style span line-height : 2pc .addthis toolbox.addthis pill combo style .addthis button compact .

at15t compact,.addthis toolbox.addthis pill combo style a float : left .addthis toolbox.addthis pill combo style a.addthis button tweet margin-top : -2px .

addthis toolbox.addthis pill combo style .addthis button compact .at15t compact margin-right : 4px .addthis default style .

addthis separator margin : 0 5px;display : inline div.atclear clear : both .addthis default style .addthis separator,.addthis default style .

at4-icon,.addthis default style .at300b,.addthis default style .at300bo,.addthis default style .at300bs,.addthis default style .

at300m float : left .at300b img,.at300bo img border : 0 a.at300b .at4-icon,a.at300m .at4-icon display : block .addthis default style .

at300b,.addthis default style .at300bo,.addthis default style .at300m padding : 0 2px .at300b,.at300bo,.at300bs,.at300m cursor : pointer .

addthis button facebook like.at300b : hover,.addthis button facebook like.at300bs : hover,.addthis button facebook send.at300b : hover,.

addthis button facebook send.at300bs : hover opacity : 1 .addthis 20x20 style .at15t,.addthis 20x20 style .at300bs overflow : hidden;

display : block;height : 20px!important;width : 20px!important;line-height : 20px!important .addthis 32x32 style .at15t,.

addthis 32x32 style .at300bs overflow : hidden;display : block;height : 2pc!important;width : 2pc!important;line-height : 2pc!important .

at300bs overflow : hidden;display : block;background-position : 0 0;height : 1pc;width : 1pc;line-height : 1pc!important .

  • addthis default style .at15t compact,.addthis default style .at15t expanded margin-right : 4px #at share .at item width : 123px!important;
  • padding : 4px;margin-right : 2px;border : 1px solid #fff #at16p background : url(data : image / png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAoAAAAKCAYAAACNMs+9AAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBBZG9iZSBJbWFnZVJlYWR5ccllPAAAABtJREFUeNpiZGBgaGAgAjAxEAlGFVJHIUCAAQDcngCUgqGMqwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg );
  • z-index : 10000001;position : absolute;top : 50%;left : 50%;width : 300px;padding : 10px;margin : 0 auto;margin-top : -185px;
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  • padding : 0 #at16pt position : relative;background : #f2f2f2;height : 13px;padding : 5px 10px #at16pt a,#at16pt h4 font-weight : 700 #at16pt h4 display : inline;
  • margin : 0;padding : 0;font-size : 9pt;color : #4c4c4c;cursor : default #at16pt a position : absolute;top : 5px;right : 10px;
  • color : #4c4c4c;text-decoration : none;padding : 2px #at15sptx : focus,#at16pt a : focus outline : thin dotted #at15s #at16pf a top : 1px # atssh width : 1px!important;
  • height : 1px!important;border : 0!important .atm width : 10pc!important;padding : 0;margin : 0;line-height : 9pt;letter-spacing : normal;
  • font-family : arial,helvetica,tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;font-size : 9pt;color : #444;background : url(data : image / png;
  • padding : 4px .atm-f text-align : right;border-top : 1px solid #ddd;padding : 5px 8px .atm-i background : #fff;border : 1px solid #d5d6d6;
  • padding : 0;margin : 0;box-shadow : 1px 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.15) .atm-s margin : 0!important;padding : 0!important .atm-s a : focus border : transparent;
  • outline : 0;transition : none #at hover.atm-s a,.atm-s a display : block;text-decoration : none;padding : 4px 10px;color : #235dab!important;

font-weight : 400;font-style : normal;transition : none #at hover.atm-s .at bold color : #235dab!important #at hover.atm-s a : hover,.

atm-s a : hover background : #2095f0;text-decoration : none;color : #fff!important #at hover.atm-s .at bold font-weight : 700 #at hover.

atm-s a : hover .at bold color : #fff!important .atm-s a .at-label vertical-align : middle;margin-left : 5px;direction : ltr .

at PinItButton display : block;width : 40px;height : 20px;padding : 0;margin : 0;background-image : url( / / s7.addthis.com / static / t00 / pinit00.

png);background-repeat : no-repeat .at PinItButton : hover background-position : 0 -20px .addthis toolbox .addthis button pinterest pinit position : relative .

  • at-share-tbx-element .fb iframe widget span vertical-align : baseline!important #at16pf height : auto;text-align : right;
  • padding : 4px 8px .at-privacy-info position : absolute;left : 7px;bottom : 7px;cursor : pointer;text-decoration : none;font-family : helvetica,arial,sans-serif;

font-size : 10px;line-height : 9pt;letter-spacing : .2px;color : #666 .at-privacy-info : hover color : #000 .body .wsb-social-share .

wsb-social-share-button-vert padding-top : 0;padding-bottom : 0 .body .wsb-social-share.addthis counter style .addthis button tweet.

wsb-social-share-button padding-top : 40px .body .wsb-social-share.addthis counter style .addthis button facebook like.wsb-social-share-button padding-top : 21px @media print #at4-follow,#at4-share,#at4-thankyou,#at4-whatsnext,#at4m-mobile,#at15s,.

at4,.at4-recommended display : none!important @media screen and (max-width : 400px) .at4win width : 100% @media screen and (max-height : 700px) and (max-width : 400px) .

at4-thankyou-inner .at4-recommended-container height : 122px;overflow : hidden .at4-thankyou-inner .at4-recommended .at4-recommended-item : first-child border-bottom : 1px solid #c5c5c5

at-branding-logo font-family : helvetica,arial,sans-serif;text-decoration : none;font-size : 10px;display : inline-block;

margin : 2px 0;letter-spacing : .2px .at-branding-logo .at-branding-icon background-image : url("data : image / png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAoAAAAKCAMAAAC67D+PAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBBZG9iZSBJbWFnZVJlYWR5ccllPAAAAAZQTFRF / / / / +GlNUkcc1QAAAB1JREFUeNpiYIQDBjQmAwMmkwEM0JnY1WIxFyDAABGeAFEudiZsAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC") .

  • at-branding-logo .at-branding-icon,.at-branding-logo .at-privacy-icon display : inline-block;height : 10px;width : 10px;margin-left : 4px;
  • margin-right : 3px;margin-bottom : -1px;background-repeat : no-repeat .at-branding-logo .at-privacy-icon background-image : url("data : image / png;


at-branding-logo span text-decoration : none .at-branding-logo .at-branding-addthis,.at-branding-logo .at-branding-powered-by color : #666 .

at-branding-logo .at-branding-addthis : hover color : #333 .at-cv-with-image .at-branding-addthis,.at-cv-with-image .at-branding-addthis : hover color : #fff a.

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  • clip : rect(0 0 0 0);height : 1px;margin : -1px;overflow : hidden;padding : 0;position : absolute;width : 1px .at-branding-info : before content : 'i';

font-family : Times New Roman .at-branding-info : hover color : #0780df;border-color : #0780df

at-icon fill : #fff;border : 0 .at-icon-wrapper display : inline-block;overflow : hidden a .at-icon-wrapper cursor : pointer .

at-rounded,.at-rounded-element .at-icon-wrapper border-radius : 12% .at-circular,.at-circular-element .at-icon-wrapper border-radius : 50% .

addthis 32x32 style .at-icon width : 2pc;height : 2pc .addthis 24x24 style .at-icon width : 24px;height : 24px .addthis 20x20 style .

at-icon width : 20px;height : 20px .addthis 16x16 style .at-icon width : 1pc;height : 1pc #at16lb display : none;position : absolute;

top : 0;left : 0;width : 100%;height : 100%;z-index : 1001;background-color : #000;opacity : .001 #at complete,#at error,#at share,#at success position : static!important .

at15dn display : none #at15s,#at16p,#at16p form input,#at16p label,#at16p textarea,#at share .at item font-family : arial,helvetica,tahoma,verdana,sans-serif!important;

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  • float : none;line-height : 1em;margin : 0;overflow : visible;padding : 5px;text-align : left;position : absolute #at15s a,#at15s span outline : 0;
  • direction : ltr;text-transform : none #at15s .at-label margin-left : 5px #at15s .at-icon-wrapper width : 1pc;height : 1pc;
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background-position : top left;margin : 0;overflow : hidden;cursor : pointer .addthis 16x16 style .at4-icon,.addthis default style .

at4-icon,.at4-icon,.at-16x16 width : 1pc;height : 1pc;line-height : 1pc;background-size : 1pc!important .addthis 32x32 style .

at4-icon,.at-32x32 width : 2pc;height : 2pc;line-height : 2pc;background-size : 2pc!important .addthis 24x24 style .at4-icon,.

at-24x24 width : 24px;height : 24px;line-height : 24px;background-size : 24px!important .addthis 20x20 style .at4-icon,.at-20x20 width : 20px;

height : 20px;line-height : 20px;background-size : 20px!important .at4-icon.circular,.circular .at4-icon,.circular.aticon border-radius : 50% .

  • at4-icon.rounded,.rounded .at4-icon border-radius : 4px .at4-icon-left float : left #at15s .at4-icon text-indent : 20px;padding : 0;
  • overflow : visible;white-space : nowrap;background-size : 1pc;width : 1pc;height : 1pc;background-position : top left;display : inline-block;

line-height : 1pc .addthis vertical style .at4-icon,.at4-follow-container .at4-icon margin-right : 5px html>

body #at15s width : 250px!important #at15s.atm background : none!important;padding : 0!important;width : 10pc!important #at15s inner background : #fff;

border : 1px solid #fff;margin : 0 #at15s head position : relative;background : #f2f2f2;padding : 4px;cursor : default;border-bottom : 1px solid #e5e5e5 .

  • at15s head success background : #cafd99!important;border-bottom : 1px solid #a9d582!important .at15s head success a,.at15s head success span color : #000!important;
  • text-decoration : none #at15s brand,#at15sptx,#at16 brand position : absolute #at15s brand top : 4px;right : 4px .at15s brandx right : 20px!important a#at15sptx top : 4px;
  • right : 4px;text-decoration : none;color : #4c4c4c;font-weight : 700 #at15sptx : hover text-decoration : underline #at16 brand top : 5px;
  • right : 30px;cursor : default #at hover padding : 4px #at hover .at item,#at share .at item background : #fff!important;float : left!important;

color : #4c4c4c!important #at share .at item .at-icon-wrapper margin-right : 5px #at hover .at bold font-weight : 700;color : #000!important #at hover .

at item width : 7pc!important;padding : 2px 3px!important;margin : 1px;text-decoration : none!important #at hover .at item.

athov,#at hover .at item : focus,#at hover .at item : hover margin : 0!important #at hover .at item.athov,#at hover .at item : focus,#at hover .

at item : hover,#at share .at item.athov,#at share .at item : hover background : #f2f2f2!important;border : 1px solid #e5e5e5;

color : #000!important;text-decoration : none .ipad #at hover .at item : focus background : #fff!important;border : 1px solid #fff .

at15t display : block!important;height : 1pc!important;line-height : 1pc!important;padding-left : 20px!important;background-position : 0 0;

text-align : left .addthis button,.at15t cursor : pointer .addthis toolbox a.at300b,.addthis toolbox a.at300m width : auto .

addthis toolbox a margin-bottom : 5px;line-height : initial .addthis toolbox.addthis vertical style width : 200px .addthis button facebook like .

fb iframe widget line-height : 100% .addthis button facebook like iframe.fb iframe widget lift max-width : none .addthis toolbox a.

addthis button counter,.addthis toolbox a.addthis button facebook like,.addthis toolbox a.addthis button facebook send,.addthis toolbox a.

addthis button facebook share,.addthis toolbox a.addthis button foursquare,.addthis toolbox a.addthis button linkedin counter,.

addthis toolbox a.addthis button pinterest pinit,.addthis toolbox a.addthis button tweet display : inline-block .addthis toolbox span.

addthis follow label display : none .addthis toolbox.addthis vertical style span.addthis follow label display : block;white-space : nowrap .

addthis toolbox.addthis vertical style a display : block .addthis toolbox.addthis vertical style.addthis 32x32 style a line-height : 2pc;

height : 2pc .addthis toolbox.addthis vertical style .at300bs margin-right : 4px;float : left .addthis toolbox.addthis 20x20 style span line-height : 20px .

addthis toolbox.addthis 32x32 style span line-height : 2pc .addthis toolbox.addthis pill combo style .addthis button compact .

at15t compact,.addthis toolbox.addthis pill combo style a float : left .addthis toolbox.addthis pill combo style a.addthis button tweet margin-top : -2px .

addthis toolbox.addthis pill combo style .addthis button compact .at15t compact margin-right : 4px .addthis default style .

addthis separator margin : 0 5px;display : inline div.atclear clear : both .addthis default style .addthis separator,.addthis default style .

at4-icon,.addthis default style .at300b,.addthis default style .at300bo,.addthis default style .at300bs,.addthis default style .

at300m float : left .at300b img,.at300bo img border : 0 a.at300b .at4-icon,a.at300m .at4-icon display : block .addthis default style .

at300b,.addthis default style .at300bo,.addthis default style .at300m padding : 0 2px .at300b,.at300bo,.at300bs,.at300m cursor : pointer .

addthis button facebook like.at300b : hover,.addthis button facebook like.at300bs : hover,.addthis button facebook send.at300b : hover,.

addthis button facebook send.at300bs : hover opacity : 1 .addthis 20x20 style .at15t,.addthis 20x20 style .at300bs overflow : hidden;

display : block;height : 20px!important;width : 20px!important;line-height : 20px!important .addthis 32x32 style .at15t,.

addthis 32x32 style .at300bs overflow : hidden;display : block;height : 2pc!important;width : 2pc!important;line-height : 2pc!important .

at300bs overflow : hidden;display : block;background-position : 0 0;height : 1pc;width : 1pc;line-height : 1pc!important .

  • addthis default style .at15t compact,.addthis default style .at15t expanded margin-right : 4px #at share .at item width : 123px!important;
  • padding : 4px;margin-right : 2px;border : 1px solid #fff #at16p background : url(data : image / png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAoAAAAKCAYAAACNMs+9AAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBBZG9iZSBJbWFnZVJlYWR5ccllPAAAABtJREFUeNpiZGBgaGAgAjAxEAlGFVJHIUCAAQDcngCUgqGMqwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg );
  • z-index : 10000001;position : absolute;top : 50%;left : 50%;width : 300px;padding : 10px;margin : 0 auto;margin-top : -185px;
  • margin-left : -155px;font-family : arial,helvetica,tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;font-size : 9pt;color : #5e5e5e #at share margin : 0;
  • padding : 0 #at16pt position : relative;background : #f2f2f2;height : 13px;padding : 5px 10px #at16pt a,#at16pt h4 font-weight : 700 #at16pt h4 display : inline;
  • margin : 0;padding : 0;font-size : 9pt;color : #4c4c4c;cursor : default #at16pt a position : absolute;top : 5px;right : 10px;
  • color : #4c4c4c;text-decoration : none;padding : 2px #at15sptx : focus,#at16pt a : focus outline : thin dotted #at15s #at16pf a top : 1px # atssh width : 1px!important;
  • height : 1px!important;border : 0!important .atm width : 10pc!important;padding : 0;margin : 0;line-height : 9pt;letter-spacing : normal;
  • font-family : arial,helvetica,tahoma,verdana,sans-serif;font-size : 9pt;color : #444;background : url(data : image / png;
  • padding : 4px .atm-f text-align : right;border-top : 1px solid #ddd;padding : 5px 8px .atm-i background : #fff;border : 1px solid #d5d6d6;
  • padding : 0;margin : 0;box-shadow : 1px 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,.15) .atm-s margin : 0!important;padding : 0!important .atm-s a : focus border : transparent;
  • outline : 0;transition : none #at hover.atm-s a,.atm-s a display : block;text-decoration : none;padding : 4px 10px;color : #235dab!important;

font-weight : 400;font-style : normal;transition : none #at hover.atm-s .at bold color : #235dab!important #at hover.atm-s a : hover,.

atm-s a : hover background : #2095f0;text-decoration : none;color : #fff!important #at hover.atm-s .at bold font-weight : 700 #at hover.

atm-s a : hover .at bold color : #fff!important .atm-s a .at-label vertical-align : middle;margin-left : 5px;direction : ltr .

at PinItButton display : block;width : 40px;height : 20px;padding : 0;margin : 0;background-image : url( / / s7.addthis.com / static / t00 / pinit00.

png);background-repeat : no-repeat .at PinItButton : hover background-position : 0 -20px .addthis toolbox .addthis button pinterest pinit position : relative .

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font-size : 10px;line-height : 9pt;letter-spacing : .2px;color : #666 .at-privacy-info : hover color : #000 .body .wsb-social-share .

wsb-social-share-button-vert padding-top : 0;padding-bottom : 0 .body .wsb-social-share.addthis counter style .addthis button tweet.

wsb-social-share-button padding-top : 40px .body .wsb-social-share.addthis counter style .addthis button facebook like.wsb-social-share-button padding-top : 21px @media print #at4-follow,#at4-share,#at4-thankyou,#at4-whatsnext,#at4m-mobile,#at15s,.

at4,.at4-recommended display : none!important @media screen and (max-width : 400px) .at4win width : 100% @media screen and (max-height : 700px) and (max-width : 400px) .

at4-thankyou-inner .at4-recommended-container height : 122px;overflow : hidden .at4-thankyou-inner .at4-recommended .at4-recommended-item : first-child border-bottom : 1px solid #c5c5c5

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margin : 2px 0;letter-spacing : .2px .at-branding-logo .at-branding-icon background-image : url("data : image / png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAoAAAAKCAMAAAC67D+PAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQBBZG9iZSBJbWFnZVJlYWR5ccllPAAAAAZQTFRF / / / / +GlNUkcc1QAAAB1JREFUeNpiYIQDBjQmAwMmkwEM0JnY1WIxFyDAABGeAFEudiZsAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC") .

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at-branding-logo span text-decoration : none .at-branding-logo .at-branding-addthis,.at-branding-logo .at-branding-powered-by color : #666 .

at-branding-logo .at-branding-addthis : hover color : #333 .at-cv-with-image .at-branding-addthis,.at-cv-with-image .at-branding-addthis : hover color : #fff a.

  • at-branding-logo : visited color : initial .at-branding-info display : inline-block;padding : 0 5px;color : #666;border : 1px solid #666;
  • border-radius : 50%;font-size : 10px;line-height : 9pt;opacity : .7;transition : all .3s ease;text-decoration : none .at-branding-info span border : 0;
  • clip : rect(0 0 0 0);height : 1px;margin : -1px;overflow : hidden;padding : 0;position : absolute;width : 1px .at-branding-info : before content : 'i';

font-family : Times New Roman .at-branding-info : hover color : #0780df;border-color : #0780df

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