ProjectManager / BusinessAnalyst
SaintPaul MN (Hybrid)
TheMinnesota Department of Information Technology Services (MNIT)partnering with the Department of Public Safety (DPS) is seeking ahighly skilled project manager / business analyst (PM / BA).
CurrentlyDPS is seeking a contractor to manage inprogress online customerchat and multiple data analytics projects across several DPSdivisions.
- The planning phase ofthese projects will include coordinating work across MNIT DPS andexternal vendors.
- At a high level theresource will initially work on the online customer chat and dataanalytics projects as identified by the department.
- If additionalprojects are identified and funds are available resource will beassigned to other projects across the department.
- Provideleadership and coordination for project that will involve MNIT andDPS staff and perhapsothers.
- Research technologyrequirements; identify tools and resourcesneeded / available.
- Provide impactanalysis on for example the callcenter.
- Build a list ofstatute policy and procedures necessary for a successfulundertaking.
- Identify how userswould be onboarded andsupported.
- Develop a projectedbudget that would include initial and ongoing technology staffingmaintenance andsupport.
- Document howMinnesota could proceed and meet Federalrequirements.
- Provide knowledgetransfer
- Five (5)years of experience as a senior ProjectManager
- Three (3) years ofexperience as a senior BusinessAnalyst
- Two (2) years ofexperience working in a government setting with multiplestakeholders andusers.
- Experience workingwith law enforcement systems andpractices.
- Experience compilinga report for executivereview.
7 days ago