The College of Business and Engineering at Wilkes University invites applicants for a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Finance in the Department of Finance, Accounting and Management of the Jay S.
Sidhu School of Business & Leadership. The Sidhu School is accredited by ACBSP and a candidate for AACSB accreditation.
The position requires a Ph.D. in Finance, or a Ph.D. in a closely related field, preferably from an AACSB-accredited institution.
Candidates who are ABD status will be considered if they will complete their PhD prior to employment. The successful candidate for this position will teach both undergraduate and graduate finance courses.
The graduate courses are taught in accelerated, online format as well as face to face. Faculty expectations also include scholarly activity, with publications in quality peer reviewed journals as part of their activity.
Faculty also offer service to the school, university, and community. In addition, the faculty member will be responsible for mentoring traditional undergraduate students interested in finance and supervising / conducting related field research.
- The candidate should demonstrate a strong understanding of learning and motivation; skills in the assessment, advising, and mentoring of learners;
- and the ability to deal effectively with individual differences in ability, personality, and interests. (In addition, the faculty member will be responsible for mentoring traditional undergraduate students;
and will offer services to the school, university and community.) The position start date is August 2024.
Wilkes University is an independent, comprehensive university dedicated to academic excellence in the liberal arts, sciences, and selected professional programs.
The University has approximately 2,200 students at the undergraduate level and over 1,200 full-time equivalent students at the graduate and first professional levels.
Its institutional focus is on developing strong mentoring relationships with each of its students and contributing vitally to the economic development of Northeastern Pennsylvania.
The University is located in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, a revitalized city located on the lovely Susquehanna River and within two and one-half hours driving distance of New York City and Philadelphia.