Works under the direction ofthe Chief Medical Officer ordesignee. Accountable for the overall structure,performance and operations of the Northwest Missouri Area Health Education Center (AHEC), a partnership of Mosaic Life Care and the Missouri Area HealthEducation Center (MAHEC) network.
TheNWMO AHEC serves a 19-county region and represents a partnership of communityand academic organizations within that region.
AHEC centers have federalfunding from the Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources andServices Administration.
The director is responsible for fulfilling NWMO AHEC'sscope of work for this funding that serves the mission of the Missouri AHEC isto enhance access to quality healthcare, particularly primary and preventativecare by growing and supporting Missouri's health care workforce.
Alsoresponsible for fulfilling the scope of work for any state or other grantfunding awarded to NWMO AHEC / Mosaic Life Care that fits the role NWMO AHECserves in the organization.
Responsible for planning and overseeing the implementation of AHEC programs in the region, as well as being responsible for financial management and personnel administration.
Coordinates these activities on behalf of the NWMO AHEC Board, Mosaic Life Care, regional health care providers and schools, and the statewide MAHEC network.
Development of partnerships throughout the region is included in the federal scope of work.
Provide leadership to the NWMO AHEC Advisory Board, fulfilling membership and meeting requirements of the federal contract.
Responsible for meeting scheduling, preparation, and recording of meeting proceedings. Regular communications with the Advisory Board to keep them up to date on NWMO AHEC and goals allows them to serve NWMO AHEC better.
- Responsible for fiscal and operational management of all funding sources, preparing appropriate invoices to receive such funding, budgeting and managing all sources of income, including Mosaic Life Care.
- Federal and state funding is never assumed and requires appropriate advocacy with federal and state legislators from Missouri.
This involves communicating advocacy needs and responsibilities to caregivers, board members, students (of all ages) and regional partners and supporters.
Responsible for educating new state legislators from northwest Missouri on the mission and work of AHEC to develop AHEC champions in the legislature.
NWMO AHEC works with high school students to make them aware of health careers, provide them with exposure through workshops and job shadowing, and provide them resources and assistance as they prepare for health professions schools.
Responsible for preparation and supervision of caregivers as local programs are developed, and state and federal programs that are more structured are implemented.
Maintain the current community-based clinical training opportunities for medical, dental, nurse practitioner and physician assistant students within NWMO.
Working with clinical training coordinator to identify new preceptors and working with the AHEC Medical Director, identify and provide any educational needs to assist them become successful and continuous preceptors.
Maintain, support, and appreciate the current preceptors.
Serve as the main point ofcontact for the UMKC School of Medicine, providing support for curriculumdevelopment, faculty recruitment and student administration.
Also responsiblefor supporting the implementation and administration of the rural family medicineresidency program.
Develop and maintain strong relationships with the Missouri medical schools from which the majority of the medical students come University of Missouri, A.
T. Still University, Kansas City University, and the University of Missouri Kansas City.
Other duties as assigned
All required education is a minimum requirement. Higher levels of education are acceptable. Bachelor's degree required.
Master's degree in business, Management, Public Health, or other health-related field is preferred.
- Driver's License - Valid And In State required.
- 5 years experience in either healthcare, not-for-profit setting, or education setting is required.