Search jobs > Billings, MT > Channel sales manager

Channel Sales Manager, California/Pacific Northwest

Billings, MT, United States
$94K-$159K a year

The Opportunity

QuidelOrtho unites the strengths of Quidel Corporation and Ortho Clinical Diagnostics, creating a world-leading in vitro diagnostics company with award-winning expertise in immunoassay and molecular testing, clinical chemistry and transfusion medicine.

We are more than 6,000 strong and do business in over 130 countries, providing answers with fast, accurate and consistent testing where and when they are needed most - home to hospital, lab to clinic.

Our culture puts our team members first and prioritizes actions that support happiness, inspiration and engagement. We strive to build meaningful connections with each other as we believe that employee happiness and business success are linked.

Join us in our mission to transform the power of diagnostics into a healthier future for all.

The Role

As we continue to grow as QuidelOrtho, we are seeking a Channel Sales Manager for the California & Pacific Northwest Territories .

The Channel Sales Manager drives revenue and profitability within a sales region by leading and leveraging all distribution relationships at executive and field levels.

This role leads and supports the distribution strategy for QuidelOrtho in the field with both our sales team and our distribution partners sales teams.

Specifically, focused on developing and supporting new business opportunities & leads for hospital and physician office labs by partnering with distribution sales management, reps & teams.

Leading & directing product launches, marketing strategies and sales programs with key distribution partners in all markets.

Proactively facilitates relationship building between the region and its distribution partners, leading routine business reviews and initiating targeting and lead generation programs and initiatives.

Trains distribution staff and field teams on all QuidelOrtho products and programs to increase sales revenue. Represents QuidelOrtho at distribution sales meetings and events to enhance a competitive edge in the highly competitive world of healthcare diagnostics.

Supports the Regional Sales Director in meeting and exceeding regional revenue and business goals. The Channel Sales Manager will have leadership responsibility focused on various distributor strategies, programs, projects, and initiatives that are deemed important and prioritized by executive management that can impact the overall business.

This is a field based position supporting and located within California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Utah, and Montana .

Candidates must have the ability to personally attend to clients for in-person meetings (either on a regular or emergency basis) on short notice, thus requiring reasonable geographical proximity to clients.

The Responsibilities

Leads reg i o n al d istri b u ti o n strategies and initiatives for all distributors to grow top-line sales in ide n tify ing opportunities in all market segments and meet regional revenue goals

Leverages distribution to support the converting of net-new, competitive accounts and meet new business acquisition goals

Leverages distribution to support the retention strategy in securing base business of current customers and overall business

Gains lead-in from Regional Sales Directors, Area Sales Directors, & Specialists team with distribution in supporting programs for areas, regions, territories & markets (Distribution Leadership team)

Coordinates and delivers regional marketing and sales programs focused on driving competitive opportunities with distribution

Represents QuidelOrtho at national, regional & local distribution sales / trade shows, meetings & events to support company products, initiatives, and programs

D efi n es o p p o rtu n ities and i m p l e m ents r e g i o n al act i o n p la n s f o r r e v en u e g r o w t h a n d new business acquisition thro ug h all distri bu ti o n c h a nn els

Develops and leads training programs focused on d istri bu t i o n e x e cut i o n o n new p r o du ct la un c h e s t h r o ug h sa l es lea d ersh ip , t e ch n ical e x p erti s e, a n d marketing strategies / messaging

D e mo n s trat e s k n o w l ed g e o f new p r o du cts, s e r v ice s , a n d t ren d s w it h in the in du s t ry, a n d assi s ts regional sales m a n a g e m ent and distri bu t or reps wi t h t h e d e v e l o pm ent o f sa l es s t ra t egies th a t i d entify t h e Qu id elOrtho a d v a n t a g e, o r ad d ress a n d win c omp e t iti v e ch a llen g es in t h e m ar k e t p lace

Strateg iz es with Regional Sales Directors and Area Sales Director on distribution strategies and focused markets and pr o v i d e s semi-annual / annual b u si n ess r e v i e ws f o r r egi on al d istri bu ti o n lea d ersh ip

C o n tri bu t e s t o t h e sales f o r ecast o n Acute & POL opportunities and driving opportunity pipeline through distribution sales representatives

Monitors financial budgets projects & programs associated with Distribution P&L and reporting ongoing performance vs. AOP to VP, North American Sales on a quarterly basis

Perform other work-related duties as assigned

The Individual

Candidates should be aware that the Company currently requires customer-facing workers to meet Customer Credentialing requirements which may include but are not limited to, up to date immunizations.

The Company is an equal opportunity employer and will provide reasonable accommodation to those unable to be vaccinated where it is not an undue hardship to the company to do so as provided under federal, state, and local law.

Required :

Education : Bac h el o r ' s deg r e e in b u si n ess o r e qu i v ale n t e x p er i en c e

Sales Experience : Mi n i m u m o f 5 y ears suc c essful sales e x p erien c e, p r e fera b ly in t h e m ed i cal d e v i c e / di agno stic m ar k et with some d e m o n str a t e d s u cc e ss in leading others, without authority

Industry Experience : 3+ years of experience in diagnostics with Distributor knowledge and experience

Strateg i c th in ki n g s kills and ab i lity t o tra n sla t e str a t e g i es i n t o e x e cuta b l e ta c tical acti o n pl an s

A b ility t o lead w it h o u t a u t h o rity and cr e ate f o l l o w ers h ip t o dr i v e r egi o n al d i s tri bu ti o n s t r at e g i e s o r c o m p lex a c c o un ts in hospital and physician office s e t ti ng s

Solid u nd ers t a nd i n g o f int e r n al d epa r t m ents a n d p r o c ed u res, i . e., Fi n a n c e, Qu a li t y and M ark e ti ng .

H as v isi b ility w i th i n t h e C o r p o r a ti o n as a s o l id sales r e s o u rce and l e v era g es i n t ern a l relati o n sh ip s to dr i v e c o m m ercial r e su l t s f o r Qui d elOrtho a n d m e e t cu s t o m er ne e d s.

Kn o w l ed g e o f re i m bu rs e m ent in st a t e s ac r o ss t h e reg i o n and ca p ac i ty to i m p l e m ent str a t e g ies b ased o n that k n o w l ed g e

D e mo n s trat e d ab i lity to s u cc e ssf u lly m a n a g e ROI o n pro g r a m s and e xpense b udg e t s

A b ility t o ana l y z e fi n a n cial d ata and genera t e l o g ical s trat e g ies and pl an s based o n ana l y sis

Str o n g pre s entat i o n and n eg o tiat i o n s k ills

Solid c om m un icat i o n s k ills - wri t t e n and v erb a l

A b ility t o u ph o ld and su p p o rt i nd ivid u al a n d c o m p a n y v al u es

H i g h deg r ee o f e th i cs and p r o fess i o n al i s m whi l e i n t e ra cting w ith cust om ers, v en d o rs, and c o - w o r k ers

Ability to handle confidential information

Ability to work under general supervision following established procedures

Travel : up to 70%

P referred : M BA pre f erred

M BA pre f erred

Selling capital equipment experience and / or 2+ y e ars o f m ar k e t i n g

Proficiency in MS Office (i.e., Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint)

Key Working Relationships

C u st o m er s : A c ts as bra n d a m b assa d o r t o t a r g e t ed c u s t o m ers

D istri bu t i o n P a r tner s : D riv e s e f f o rts o f d i stri bu t i o n a t t h e reg i o n al leaders h ip l e v el t o ac h i e v e Qu id elOrtho Revenue and New Business g o als

F i eld Sales : P r ov i d es lea d e r sh i p in rep r es e n ti n g and dr i v i n g distri bu ti o n stra t e g y , c o r p o r a te g o als, a n d v al u es.

P r ov i d es t h o r o ug h a n d t i m e l y c om m un icati o n to Sa l es L eaders h ip and in t ern a l de p ar t m ents reg a r d i n g field issues, pro d u cts and c om p e t it i o n , o f f e r i ng s su gg es t i o n s a n d s o l u t i o n s.

W o r ks w i th o ther m e m b ers o f C om m e r cial te am t o m a xi m i z e r e v en u e a n d profita b ility t h r o ug h di s tri bu ti o n and in c o m p lex ac c o un ts.

D e mo n s trat e s c o r p o ra t e v al u es.

Qu id elOrtho M a n a g e m ent : I n t e r acts with Sa l es L e a d ersh ip , S p ecialty Sa l es, S a l es A d m i n istrati o n , and D istri bu t i o n t o m ax i m i z e a c h ie v e m ent o f c o r p o r a te g o als, a n d intera c ts with o th e r aspects o f t h e o r g a n i z ati o n a s r e qu ired ( e .

g ., F in a n ce, H R, IT, Cus t o m er Se r v ice, e t c.)

The Work Environment

T yp ical ou tside sales env i ronm ent. Mu st hav e th e d i s c ip li n e, o r g a n i z at io n s k ills a n d s e l f - mo t iv at io n t o w o rk a utonomou sly in a h om e o ff ic e e nv iro nm e n t.

Specific vision abilities required by this job include close vision, distance vision, peripheral vision, depth perception, and ability to adjust focus.

While performing the duties of this job, regularly required to use hands to finger, handle, or feel and talk or hear. Frequently required to stand, walk, and sit.

Occasionally required to reach, climb, or balance. M u st b e p h y sica l l y ab l e t o t rav e l up to 7 0 %. M u st m a i n tain a v al i d dr i v er's licen s e a n d m u s t o wn and m ai n tain an a u t om o b ile su i tab l e f o r tr a v el to c u s t o m e r sit e s, air p o r t, e tc.

Tr a v el i n cl ud es ai rp la n e, t r ai n , a u t o mo b il e , and o v ern igh ts. On a t y p ical w o rkday, 8 0 % o f ti m e m e e ti n g w ith pe o p le, 2 0 % o f the t i m e o n c om pu t er, d o i n g pa p e r w o r k , o r o n p h o n e.

Must be able to lift up to 25 pounds.

Salary Transparency

The salary range for this position takes into account a wide range of factors including education, experience, knowledge, skills, geography, and abilities of the candidate, in addition to internal equity and alignment with market data.

At QuidelOrtho, it is not typical for an individual to be hired at or near the top range for their role and compensation decisions are dependent on that facts and circumstances of each case.

The salary range for this position is $94,000 to $159,000 and is eligible for incentive compensation. QuidelOrtho offers a comprehensive benefits package including medical, dental, vision, life, and disability insurance, along with a 401(k) plan, employee assistance program, Employee Stock Purchase Plan, paid time off (including sick time) and paid Holidays.

All benefits are non-contractual, and QuidelOrtho may amend, terminate, or enhance the benefits provided, as it deems appropriate.

Equal Opportunity

QuidelOrtho believes in Equal Opportunity for all and is committed to ensuring all individuals, including individuals with disabilities, have an opportunity to apply for those positions that they are interested in and qualify for without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, citizenship, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, veteran status, disability, genetic information, or any other protected characteristic.

QuidelOrtho is also committed to providing reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals so that an individual can perform the duties.

If you are interested in applying for an employment opportunity and require special assistance or an accommodation to apply due to a disability, please contact us at .

LI-CG1 #LI-Remote

10 days ago
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