Associate Project Scientist
Associate Project Scientist
University of California Los Angeles
Requisition Number : JPF09917
The UCLA Joint Institute for Regional Earth System Science and Engineering (JIFRESSE) invites applications for a position of Associate Project Scientist whose research will focus on understanding the difference between long-term trends and internal climate variability of the atmosphere and its energy budget, particularly as related to their driving of ice sheet changes.
The research includes the following activities :
Collaborating with UCLA ice-sheet modelers to develop science plans and proposals to address the sensitivity of ice sheets to atmospheric forcing, in particular separating long-term forced contributions from internal climate variability.
This will involve developing and providing forcing datasets to the ice-sheet modelers.
- Evaluating surface fluxes using satellite data products, and relating these to atmospheric processes such as effective radiative forcing, climate feedbacks and modes of internal climate variability
- Critically evaluating the satellite products, based on an understanding of their retrieval methods, to identify when they are appropriate for use in the research.
- Interpreting results using combined expertise in atmosphere and cryosphere science, and performing statistical analysis to disentangle long-term trend components from internal climate variability.
To apply, please visit : https : / / / JPF09917
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