Minimum Qualifications Two years of experience participating in self -help activities, peer support or advocacy programs, or similar organizations. Applicant must
have been in child welfare placement for two years or more above the age of 8 or had juvenile justice placement or received
homeless youth services in New York State or are a parent who has had a child involved in the juvenile justice system.
Duties Description DJJOY Peer Specialists serve and assist parents of DJJOY youth and build a stream of support both through their relationship with them
and by connecting parents to other parents. Isolation due to the stigma of having a justice-involved child is one of the
biggest challenges for parents of placed youth. Peer Specialists will serve to relieve that burden. Their ability to understand, first hand, what a
parent is facing is critical. Therefore the DJJOY Peer Specialists will be required to have experience of having a juvenile justice involved child. The
circumstance of being the parent of a child who was or is in the system is a critical point of connection for the parents being supported.
The incumbent will be responsible for performing the following duties :
- Build a supportive relationship with parents.
- Run and / or direct parents to support groups / workshops.
- Support the parents OCFS placed youth in meetings and appointments.
- Support the parents of OCFS placed youth who are in crisis.
- Provide advocacy for parents of youth placed with OCFS.
- Connect parents to larger empowerment movements to elevate their understanding of their role promoting families.
- Meet with parents on a regular basis through 1 : 1 engagements in the community and at scheduled meetings.
- Engage parents through the groups, trips, and other family engagement events.
- Help organize and plan monthly family informational nights.
- Participate in mandated and elective training opportunities as prescribed by OCFS.
- Work closely with OCFS family engagement specialists and the statewide family engagement specialist.
- Help promote and support the active involvement of families in events or activities that occur at OCFS facilities and in community programs.